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A flexible, extensible, developer-focused suite of connected data capabilities to control, manage, and collaborate across a knowledge graph more effectively.

Connected Data Platform downloadable package
  • illustration of box with line emitting to each side and circle outline at the end of each line

    Centralized Data

    Centralized access to disparate data sources eliminating data silos and tribal knowledge.

  • illustration of three raised hands

    Data for All

    Represent data with common language by describing people, places, and things – making it more understandable and actionable for a wide range of users.

  • illustration of computer monitor with bar chart and pie chart

    Relationships and Insights

    Offer innumerable ways to visually illustrate data relationships and insights for improved understanding.

  • illustration of lock with hand pointing at the center of it

    Accessibility for humans and AI/ML

    Increase accessibility for both humans and AI/ML providing competitive advantage.

  • illustration of clock

    Real-time access to new information

    Seamlessly integrate new information so it can be accessed in real-time.

Featured Capabilities

Understand the basics of GraphGrid Search and how it combines connected data, NLP and Elasticsearch


Index and search across all of your data in the graph using common terms and language. Continuous indexing provides real-time search results.

Learn more about Search

screenshot of graph query editor


Design, create and maintain a knowledge graph model specific to your business needs. Create powerful, repeatability, linkable queries with Showmes.

Learn more about Manager

Learn how Natural Language Processing (NLP) turns unstructured data into real-time insights

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Turn documents, social media posts, news feeds, and other text-based data into graph data. Continuous processing provides real-time insight.

Learn more about NLP

screenshot of project view

Graph Visualization & Management

Graph data administration, management, authoring, discovery, visualization and publish flow control. Works with other GraphGrid services to provide a fully integrated experience and includes a dashboard management user interface.

screenshot of graph query editor and graph visualization

Event-Driven Graph Capabilities

Integration services to distribute, route, and transform transactional event data to trigger dynamic searching, indexing, and machine learning processes. Provides event-driven capabilities so graph data reacts and responds to changes in real-time.

Accelerate Your Connected Data Journey